Pneumatic Mixer Design Calculator

Wastewater Treatment - Mixing Equations

Solving for discharge point air pressure.

discharge point air pressure


atmospheric pressure (pa)
power dissipated (P)
volume of air flow at atmospheric pressure (Va)

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atmospheric pressure (pa)
= 0
= 0
power dissipated (P)
= 0
= 0
volume of air flow at atmospheric pressure (Va)
= 0
= 0


discharge point air pressure (pc) = NOT CALCULATED

Other Units:

Change Equation
Select to solve for a different unknown
propeller and turbine mixers
power requirement power requirement (laminar flow)
Reynolds number < 10
mixing constant mixing constant (laminar flow)
fluid dynamic viscosity fluid dynamic viscosity
rotation speed revolutions per second rotation speed revolutions per second (laminar flow)
impeller diameter impeller diameter (laminar flow)
power requirement power requirement (turbulent flow)
Reynolds number >10000
mixing constant mixing constant (turbulent flow)
fluid mass density fluid mass density
rotation speed revolutions per second rotation speed revolutions per second (turbulent flow)
impeller diameter impeller diameter (turbulent flow)
Reynolds numberReynolds number
impeller diameterimpeller diameter
rotation speed revolutions per secondrotation speed revolutions per second
liquid mass densityliquid mass density
fluid dynamic viscosityfluid dynamic viscosity
static mixers
dissipated powerdissipated power
specific weight waterspecific weight water
dissipated headlossdissipated headloss
pneumatic bubble mixers
power dissipatedpower dissipated
volume of air at atmospheric pressurevolume of air at atmospheric pressure
discharge point air pressuredischarge point air pressure
power dissipatedpower dissipated
volume of air at atmospheric pressurevolume of air at atmospheric pressure
discharge point air pressuredischarge point air pressure

References - Books:
George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton. 1991. Wastewater Engineering Treatment, Disposal and Reuse. McGraw Hill, Inc.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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