Risk Equations and Formulas Calculator

Toxicology and Risk Assessment

Solving for chronic daily intake

chronic daily intake


carcinogenic risk (CR)
carcinogen slope factor (SF)
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carcinogenic risk (CR)
= 0
= 0
carcinogen slope factor (SF)
= 0
= 0


chronic daily intake (CDI)

Other Units:

Change Equation
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adverse health effects numberadverse health effects number
individuals in the population numberindividuals in the population number

standard mortality ratio or relative riskstandard mortality ratio or relative risk
probability of fatal cancer cases of individuals exposed to carcinogenprobability of fatal cancer cases of individuals exposed to carcinogen
probability of fatal cancer cases of individuals not exposed to carcinogenprobability of fatal cancer cases of individuals not exposed to carcinogen

standard mortality ratio or relative riskstandard mortality ratio or relative risk
number of cancer cases in individuals exposed to carcinogennumber of cancer cases in individuals exposed to carcinogen
total number of individuals not exposed to carcinogentotal number of individuals not exposed to carcinogen
number of cancer cases in individuals not exposed to carcinogennumber of cancer cases in individuals not exposed to carcinogen
total number of individuals exposed to carcinogentotal number of individuals exposed to carcinogen

standard mortality ratio or relative riskstandard mortality ratio or relative risk
number of cancer deaths in a population exposed to carcinogennumber of cancer deaths in a population from exposure to carcinogen
number of cancer deaths in a same size population not exposed to carcinogen number of cancer deaths in a same size population not exposed to carcinogen

carcinogenic riskcarcinogenic risk
chronic daily intakechronic daily intake
carcinogen slope factor carcinogen slope factor

hazard indexhazard index
chronic daily intakechronic daily intake
reference dose reference dose

administered doseadministered dose
exposure point concentrationexposure point concentration
contact rate contact rate
exposure frequency exposure frequency
exposure duration exposure duration
body weight body weight
averaging time averaging time

fugitive dust inhalation pathway
intake doseintake dose
exposure point concentrationexposure point concentration
contact rate contact rate
exposure frequency exposure frequency
exposure duration exposure duration
retention rate retention rate
bloodstream absorption bloodstream absorption
body weight body weight
averaging time averaging time

References - Books:
1) P. Aarne Vesilind, J. Jeffrey Peirce and Ruth F. Weiner. 1994. Environmental Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann. 3rd ed.
2) Michael D. LaGrega, Phillip L. Buckingham and Jeffery C. Evan. 1994. Hazardous Waste Management. McGraw Hill, Inc.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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