Pipe Wheel Loading Equations Formulas Design Calculator

Underground Pipes - Fluid Mechanics Hydraulics

Solving for height of ground surface above pipe top when
fill depth is greater than 2 feet

height of ground surface above pipe top


surface wheel load (PL)
pressure on pipe from wheel load (PW)

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surface wheel load (PL)
= 0
= 0
pound force
pressure on pipe from wheel load (PW)
= 0
= 0


height of ground surface above pipe top (h) = NOT CALCULATED

Other Units:

Change Equation
Select to solve for a different unknown
wheel load per linear length of pipe when
wheel load per linear length of pipewheel load per linear length of pipe
surface wheel loadsurface wheel load
impact factorimpact factor

wheel load per linear length of pipe when
wheel load per linear length of pipewheel load per linear length of pipe
surface wheel loadsurface wheel load
impact factorimpact factor
height of ground surface above pipe topheight of ground surface above pipe top

pipe pressure from wheel load
wheel load pressure on pipewheel load pressure on pipe
wheel load per linear length of pipewheel load per linear length of pipe
outside pipe diameteroutside pipe diameter

pipe pressure from wheel load when
fill depth is greater than 2 feet
wheel load pressure on pipewheel load pressure on pipe
surface wheel loadsurface wheel load
height of ground surface above pipe topheight of ground surface above pipe top

References - Books:
National Resources Conservation Service. National Engineering Handbook. 1995. United States Department of Agriculture.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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Contact: aj@ajdesigner.com

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