Stress Strain Equations Calculator

Mechanics of Materials - Solid Formulas


Solve for strain


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change in length (Lchange)
original length (L)

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stress stress
force force
area area

strain strain
change in length change in length
original length original length

Young's modulusYoung's modulus

References - Books

Tipler, Paul A.. 1995. Physics For Scientists and Engineers. Worth Publishers. 3rd ed.


In materials science and mechanical engineering, strain is a fundamental measure of deformation representing the displacement between particles in the material body relative to a reference length. Strain is a dimensionless unit, a purely numerical factor that provides an indication of the degree of deformation. Understanding how to calculate strain is crucial for predicting material behavior under various load conditions and can help design safer and more efficient structures.


The equation for calculating linear (or normal) strain ((\epsilon)) when the change in length (Δ) and the original length (L₀) of a material are known is given by:

ε = ΔL / L₀


  • ε is strain
  • ΔL is the change in length
  • L₀ is the original length

How to Solve

To solve for strain (ε), follow these steps:

  • Measure the Original Length (L₀): Determine the length of the material or structure before any forces are applied.
  • Measure the Change in Length (ΔL): After the force is applied, measure the new length and subtract the original length to find the change in length (ΔL = L - L₀), where L is the new length.
  • Apply the Strain Equation: Use the calculated ΔL and the known L₀ in the strain equation ε = ΔL / L₀.


Let's assume you have a metal rod that was initially 100 cm long. After applying a tension force, the rod stretched to 101 cm. The change in length (ΔL) is:

101 cm - 100 cm = 1 cm

Using the strain equation:

ε = 1 cm / 100 cm = 0.01 (no units)

Fields/Degrees It Is Used In

  • Mechanical Engineering: For designing mechanical systems and components.
  • Civil Engineering: In construction for stress analysis of buildings and infrastructure.
  • Materials Science: To determine how materials deform under various forces.
  • Aerospace Engineering: For-testing aircraft structure integrity.
  • Biomedical Engineering: To analyze biomechanical properties of tissues and materials.

Real Life Applications

  • Bridge Construction: Calculate potential deformation under load to ensure safety.
  • Aircraft Design: Monitor stress and strain during flight to prevent structural failure.
  • Orthopedic Implants: Understand deformation to produce implants that mimic the mechanical properties of bone.
  • Consumer Electronics: Ensure devices can withstand mechanical stresses such as bending and twisting during use.
  • Packaging Materials: Evaluate how different materials deform to optimize them for protection and durability.

Common Mistakes

  • Ignoring Units: Errors occur when measurements aren't converted to consistent units.
  • Measuring Error: Inaccurate initial or final length measurements leading to incorrect strain calculations.
  • Assuming Uniformity: Assuming material behaves uniformly when actual conditions may cause uneven strains.
  • Neglecting Temperature: The effect of temperature on material dimensions is not considered.
  • Overlooking Material Limits: Calculating strains without considering the material's yield limit or ultimate tensile strength, potentially leading to unrealistic results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is strain the same as stress?
    No, strain measures deformation, while stress measures the internal forces causing the deformation.
  • Can strain be negative?
    Yes, strain can be negative in the case of compression, where the material contracts.
  • What happens if the strain value exceeds the material's limit?
    Exceeding strain limits typically leads to permanent deformation or failure.
  • How do non-linear materials affect strain calculations?
    Other factors and more complex models must be considered for non-linear materials, as the relationship between strain and displacement is not linear.
  • Are there different types of strain?
    Yes, besides normal strain, there are shear and volumetric strains, each reflecting different deformations.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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