Circular Motion Equations Calculator

Science - Physics Formulas

Solving for centripetal acceleration
centripetal acceleration


velocitiy (v)
radius (r)
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velocitiy (v)
= 0
= 0
radius (r)
= 0
= 0


centripetal acceleration (a)

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centripetal acceleration
centripetal accelerationcentripetal acceleration
circular velocity
circular velocitycircular velocity

References - Books:
Tipler, Paul A.. 1995. Physics For Scientists and Engineers. Worth Publishers. 3rd ed.

Centripetal acceleration is a concept in physics that describes the acceleration of an object moving in a circular path. It is directed towards the circle's center and is crucial in maintaining the object's circular motion. This concept is pivotal in understanding various phenomena in different fields, from celestial bodies' orbits to roller coasters' design.


The centripetal acceleration (a) can be calculated using the equation:
a = v2 / r
  • a - centripetal acceleration
  • v - velocity of the object moving along the circular path
  • r - is the radius of the circular path

How to Solve

  • To solve for centripetal acceleration given the radius and velocity, follow these steps:
  • Identify the Variables: Determine the object's velocity (v) and the circle's radius (r).
  • Substitute the Values: Plug the values of v and r into the centripetal acceleration formula.
  • Calculate: Use the formula to compute the acceleration, making sure your units are consistent, typically meters per second squared (m/s2) for acceleration, meters per second (m/s) for velocity, and meters (m) for radius.


Consider a car moving at a velocity of 20 m/s around a circular track with a radius of 50 meters. To find the centripetal acceleration:
  • Identify the Variables: v = 20 m/s, r = 50 m
  • Substitute the Values: a = (20 m/s)2/ 50 m
  • Calculate: a = (400 m2/s2) / (50 m) = 8 m/s2
So, the car experiences a centripetal acceleration of 8 m/s2 towards the center of the circular track.

Fields/Degrees It Is Used In

  • Astronomy: In calculating the orbits of planets and satellites.
  • Mechanical Engineering: Design of centrifuges and rotating machinery.
  • Automotive Engineering: Understanding the turning dynamics of vehicles.
  • Aeronautical Engineering: This is used to analyze the trajectories and stability of aircraft in turning maneuvers.
  • Amusement Park Design: Designing safe yet thrilling roller coasters and rides.

Common Mistakes

  • Confusing Centripetal with Centrifugal Force: Centripetal acceleration is towards the center; centrifugal is a perceived force acting outward.
  • Incorrect Units: Units are not converted to the standard (SI) units before calculations.
  • Misidentifying Radius: Confusing path length or diameter with the radius.
  • Square Root Error: Taking the square root of the entire expression instead of just the velocity or squaring the radius instead of the velocity.
  • Sign Mistakes: People often forget that acceleration is a vector quantity, which matters in more complex physics problems involving direction.

Frequently Asked Questions with Answers

  • Does centripetal acceleration increase with velocity? Yes, centripetal acceleration increases as the square of the velocity; if you double the velocity, it increases by a factor of four.
  • Can centripetal acceleration have negative values? No, because acceleration is squared in the formula, it always results in a positive value, indicating direction towards the center.
  • What happens to centripetal acceleration if the radius doubles? If the radius doubles, the centripetal acceleration is halved, indicating an inverse relationship.
  • Is centripetal acceleration constant in uniform circular motion? Yes, in a uniform circular motion, since the speed (magnitude of velocity) is constant and the radius remains the same, the centripetal acceleration is constant.
  • How does centripetal acceleration relate to circular motion? Centripetal acceleration is essential for maintaining circular motion. Without this acceleration directed toward the center, an object would move off in a straight line due to inertia.
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By Jimmy Raymond
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