Constant Acceleration Equations Calculator

Science - Physics - Formulas

Solving for velocity.


initial velocity (v0)
acceleration (a)
time (t)
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initial velocity (v0)
= 0
= 0
acceleration (a)
= 0
= 0
time (t)
= 0
= 0


velocity (v)

Other Units:

Change Equation
Select to solve for a different unknown
initial velocityinitial velocity
Average Velocity
average velocityaverage velocity
initial velocityinitial velocity
distance or displacementdistance or displacement
average velocityaverage velocity
v=final or end velocity
v0=initial velocity
vave=average velocity
Δx=distance displacement

References - Books:
Tipler, Paul A. 1995. Physics For Scientists and Engineers. Worth Publishers. 3rd ed.


When an object moves in a straight line with an initial velocity and is subjected to constant acceleration, the principles of kinematics can be used to determine the object's velocity at any given time. Kinematics is the study of motion without considering the forces causing the motion. The velocity of an object is a measure of how fast it is moving in a particular direction, and acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Understanding how to calculate the velocity of an object, given its initial velocity and constant acceleration, is fundamental in physics and various applied fields.


The equation to calculate the final velocity (v) of an object given its initial velocity (v0) and constant acceleration (a) over a time period (t) is:
v = v0 + at

How to Solve

To solve for the final velocity using the above equation, follow these steps:
  • Identify the Initial Velocity (v0): Determine the starting velocity of the object before acceleration is applied.
  • Identify the Acceleration (a): Determine the constant rate of acceleration.
  • Identify the Time (t): Determine the duration over which the acceleration is applied.
  • Substitute values into the equation: Plug the values of v0, a, and t into the equation v = v0 + at.
  • Solve for (v): Perform the arithmetic to solve for the final velocity.


Consider a car accelerating from rest (v0 = 0 m/s) with a constant acceleration of 3 m/s^2 for a duration of 5 seconds.
Using the equation:
v = v0 + at
Substitute the given values:
v = 0 m/s + 3 m/s2 x 5 s
v = 15 m/s
Hence, the car's final velocity after 5 seconds is 15 m/s.

Fields/Degrees it is Used In

  • Mechanical Engineering: To design vehicles, machinery, and tools, understanding the dynamics of moving parts.
  • Aerospace Engineering: In calculating takeoff and landing velocities and analyzing the spacecraft's motion.
  • Physics: Fundamental in studying motion and formulating theories of matter and energy.
  • Sports Science: Analyzing athletes' performances and optimizing training regimens through motion analysis.
  • Civil Engineering: In traffic engineering, vehicle decelerations and accelerations are studied for road safety analysis.

Common Mistakes

  • Confusing (u) and (v): Mixing initial and final velocities.
  • Ignoring Sign Convention: Not accounting for the direction of acceleration and velocity, which can affect your answer's sign (positive or negative).
  • Incorrect Units: Using different units for velocity, acceleration, and time without converting them to a consistent system.
  • Rounding Errors: Rounding off numbers early in the calculations can lead to inaccurate results.
  • Overlooking Constant Acceleration Requirement: Applying the formula when acceleration is not constant.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can this equation be used if acceleration is not constant? No, this equation is only valid for cases of constant acceleration.
  • How does negative acceleration affect the equation? Negative acceleration (deceleration) means acceleration in a direction opposite to the initial velocity. The equation remains valid; however, (a) will have a negative value.
  • What happens if the initial velocity is zero? The equation simplifies to (v = at), making it easier to calculate the final velocity.
  • Can this formula be applied to vertical motion? Yes, it applies equally to vertical motion. Consider (g) (acceleration due to gravity) as the acceleration value and use the correct sign based on the direction.
  • Does air resistance affect the calculated velocity? This equation assumes no air resistance. In real-world scenarios where air resistance is significant, additional forces must be considered, and the calculation becomes more complex.

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By Jimmy Raymond
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